Chief Deputy Erik Levig oversees the Compliance Bureau of the Kern County Sheriff’s Office.
The Compliance Bureau includes one division, Compliance & Standards Division, and two sections: Professional Standards Section & Correctional Standards Section. The Professional Standards Section includes the Professional Standards Unit and the Body Worn Camera Unit. The Correctional Standards Section includes the Correctional Standards Unit. All units are comprised of sworn peace officers and civilian staff with a focus on fostering improvement, innovation, and identifying best practices for all operations within the Kern County Sheriff’s Office. These functions include, but are not limited to: BWC Audits, Audits of Internal Processes, Investigations, Policy Development, Analysis of Data, Issuing Public Reports, and Transparency efforts. For further information, please visit the KCSO Transparency Page.
The Compliance Bureau also serves as a liaison to the Kern County Sheriff’s Community Advisory Council (CAC) in furtherance of the Kern County Sheriff’s Office mission statement to work in partnership with our community to provide effective public safety services. The Compliance Bureau Chief Deputy serves as one of the Co-Chairs of the CAC to increase transparency and providing a forum for our community members to provide input about Sheriff’s Office operations. The CAC was founded to increase community policing efforts, bringing law enforcement closer to the people we serve and provide a credible voice the community can trust. The Kern County Sheriff’s Office is committed to work together with the CAC to effectively identify problems and develop lasting solutions to enhance legitimacy with our community. For further information about the CAC, please visit click here.
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